Monday, April 20, 2009


Websites Used.

i really enjoyed making this landscape. it was an assignment with a lot of freedom and i really just let the process take me where ever. its a landscape made of mostly fantasy and vibrant colors. i really used what i had learned all semester and applied it to this assignment.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


before and after! i worked really hard on these but i am very unhappy with the way in which they turned out. this was my first time really using these tools and i need lots more practice.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Scanner Project!!

My sister and i both save all of our movie stubs and between the two of us we must have hundreds. These are just a few of ours that i chose in a grid pattern. I had some difficulty using the contact sheet application on photoshop so i found it easier to just copy and paste them in separately. I am very happy with the way this project turned out!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Drawing to Photoshop

I really enjoyed doing this t was really fun for me to take a regular pattern that i do on all of my notebooks and create something digital from it. Playing with photoshop this way is really teaching me new techniques and is making me a lot more comfortable with the program! hope you like it! sorry it was so late :(

Monday, March 30, 2009

second transformation assignment

I love doing these. I liked being able to think up ridiculous things and being able to create them. I had a hard time executing some of the images the way in which i wanted them but I do feel as if I am getting a lot better at photoshop as i continue working.

Chip Kidd Response

Chip Kid was not what i expected at all, I must be honest. Lectures most of the time are monotonous and repetitive but his lecture was lively and relatable. I really enjoyed his passion for comics and his opinions on the business of graphic design. Showing both truth of the business through his slides and the ideas behind his work in a comical manner really made me respect his success and character. His narration of the comic books was very enjoyable and i think i burst into laughter more times than once. Overall i was very impressed, this was the first lecture I can truly say I payed attention for the entire time and really got a lot out of. 

Monday, March 23, 2009

transformation 1

I loved doing this project. I had some issues with photoshop but am very happy with the final product.